Saturday 3 January 2015

January Blues: or the month where I am going all-out Gwyneth.

It's January.

Peeking out my head from the cosy duvets of general wintery lackadaisicalness, I have decided (of course, no surprises here) that the first month of the year, kicking off my "12 months of Chic" experimental blog, would be dedicated - yes you have heard it - detoxing, wellness, and so forth. There is something tres chic in doing yoga stretches at 6 in the morning with the sombre English winter in all its beauty outside the window. Not to mention the more pragmatic fact that before we start attending to all the other areas of my life, it would only be sensible to ensure that my health won't let me down at the time when it's least desirable. After all, if you are starting on a journey which is likely to take more than a few hours, you'd better check if the car is up and running okay. 

There is lots of info floating about the web at the moment, all dedicated to the same topic of detoxing. Some of which is sensible, other still is a complete pile of, ahem, bovine manure, and other yet still is practical and good, only is so plainly obvious that we would not think of it. There is, of course, the ubiquitous Goop website, with its delightfully Elf-sounding, multi-ingrediented, seemingly simple (or complex?) recipes. Would I be hunting for kabocha and arugula in my local corner shop? Maybe I would... 

However, before the juicer and blender come out to play, let me briefly list my health goals for this year. 

  • Maintain my general health and well-being in good condition, so that I can fully enjoy and participate in life. 
  • Stronger immune system, being resistant to colds, infections and bugs (ah, the joys of public transport!).
  • Healthy well-maintained skin, with adequate skincare regime which does not cost too much, or take lots of time. There are better things to life than making weird masks out of mushed tomato and yukky green clay... 
  • Longer, shinier, healthier hair. There's no limit to perfection!
  • Body - I guess I'd stick with maintaining a defined hourglass shape, and staying within a healthy BMI range. Trying to become Kate Moss won't work... 
  • Better posture and maintained physical grace when moving, walking, dancing, etc. Being fit and agile.
In short, I guess the summary of my goals would be to become a bit of an Elf - agile, fit, resistant to nasty bugs and colds, looking great without too much help from the makeup department, and with fantastic hair to boot... 

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